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Today : Thursday Oct 17 2024
  • Sep 22 2021 - 14:51
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Creative companies created value along with knowledge-based companies; Impressive growth in 3 years

In recent years, creative companies along with knowledge-based companies have tried to create added value in the country. A report on the performance of the ecosystem development program has been published for these companies, which indicates the growth of these companies over a period of three years.

Introduction and acquaintance with the field of activity of creative companies is the first part of this report. Crafts, tourism, audio and video content production, herbs and traditional medicine, visual arts, fashion and clothing, toys and design and architecture are some of these areas.

This report has another section, and that is the statistics of active creative companies, which are shown by drawing different graphs and tables of the company's growth and its number in different years.

Accordingly, in 2018, there were 296 creative companies active in the country, which now support more than 1350 creative companies in the country with support measures and facilities; Significant growth in 3 years.

This statistic also refers to the foundations of creative companies. In 2018, their number was 45 and now it has reached 101.

To show the provincial statistics of creative companies, their number and distribution are shown in a map of Iran. According to these statistics, Tehran is at the top with 780 active creative companies. Then there are the provinces of Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi and Yazd.

In the next section, we will see the services provided to creative companies by the type of service and support provided. Services and support that each step is for the development of creative products and the growth of these companies. Services such as financing, empowerment and duty system, advertising and facilitating the business environment. '

Examining the promotional activities of the Creative Companies Ecology Development Program is the next section that is covered in this report. From a variety of TV shows such as Creative Show to Virtual Advertising.

 However, in the last part of this report, there are statistics of creative and innovation houses. New actors in the creative industries ecosystem that provide the ground for youth activities in various fields of cultural and creative industries in different provinces. Currently, 64 creative houses are active or under construction in the provinces of Tehran, Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi, North Khorasan, Hamedan, Yazd, Qazvin, Gilan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Qom, Kurdistan, Ahvaz and Bushehr.

 Communication and Information Center in the Vice Presidency of Science and Technology

  • News group : NEWS,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center
  • News code : 78862

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